Joshua and Jonathan were sitting in a little pub in a circle of a small square, which was infested by pigeons pecking from the hands of many little smiling children. At that time it was close to the sunset. A little bit of shining sunbeams came into a pub and made it more friendly. It was in summer.
The weather was so hot that there had to be a huge fan on the top of the room. In front of two old friends was standing a bottle of water to refresh. Yes, they were very old friends. Their story is full of adventures and life lessons. But also full of humor!
At the moment the picture was taken; they just saw each other after a very long time.
They were talking the whole afternoon, while the sun was slowly coming down.
At the end of the day they had to leave. But at the same moment two little boys started playing at the square paving. They were barefoot wearing the same hats as Josh and Jonathan and holding two long sticks instead of real swords. They pretended to fight and laughed so loud at it!
Joshua and Jonathan were watching them for a few moments with nostalgia in their faces. Afterwards they turned their heads to each other and smiled. Suddenly they both remembered at once, how they really met, and how long time ago it was. They remembered again, what it was like to be a child and left clinging to each other´s shoulders.
And the sun went down.

Je editorkou a grafičkou kulturně – literární přílohy. K životu potřebuje hudbu (hodně hudby) a taky slunce, pohyb, úsměvy, jídlo, spaní, kytky a svoje spřízněný duše.